Magic Pest is a Termidor Certified Company. Termidor is Americas #1 Termiticide.
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Termite Control Tempe AZ
The City of Tempe AZ is home to both residential and commercial real estate property. Residential and commercial real estate property building structure is composed mostly of wood.
If the food source (wood) and environment are ideal the parasite will call the colony over to infest the building structure.
If you have an infestation it is best to let the professionals handle the situation. Go online and make an appointment or call Magic Pest at 480.654.5888 Dry woods are much different than subterraneans, however, if any of these species infest your building structure it could be costly.
Do you have an infestation problem? Not sure if you have a colony nesting underneath your home? Make an appointment online or call us today (480) 654-5888 for a free inspection.
When a scout seeks a new home for the colony food and moisture are extremely important. The combination of moisture provided by Tempe Town Lake and food source in residential and commercial real estate structures are a colony’s ideal environment. Be sure to keep any timber or wood away from your residential or commercial real estate property.
To find out if you have an infestation or colony underneath your home you must find wood pulp or sawdust in or around your building. For more information click here. Because wood is a food source, you will see a breakdown of the food, which will be left as wood pulp or sawdust. The nature of the colonizatio of the parasite is to decompose any dead wood (in, around or on the soil). That is why it is important to keep woodpiles away from your home. Also, be sure to keep your residential or commercial real estate in an inclined position atop soil.
For more information on termidor termiticide solutions, click here.
Contact us Today for all your Pest and Bee Control Needs: (480) 654-5888
Magic Pest Control offers Do-It-Yourself Pest Control Home Remedy and Repellent videos online for those that want to save money.